Ancient books, manuscripts, and art from the Far East and South East Asia

Posts tagged “Associazione Culturale Atelier

Tsukamoto Yukoh 塚本 裕子

Yukoh Tsukamoto is an experienced artist who as moved to Italy in 2003 where, since then, is enhancing her artistic skills by organizing expositions and working at the laboratory of Giorgio Upiglio in order to spread her art known in Europe.
I think her career is very interesting and diverse: she graduated at the University of Arts of Musashino in oil painting, with professor Tadamasa Murai, then at the same university, she specialized in lithography, with the master Akikaku Shimizu. She had travelled in Nepal and India and after teaching plastic arts in several primary schools of Osaka, she has also taught at the Japanese Cultural Centre of Kinki University in Osaka.
In 1999 she has founded the school of lytography “Atelier 410 Lito”. The brilliant idea that comes out of this newborn school is that she mixes together Eastern and Western influences: in her laboratory of chalcography Japanese printing techniques and Western engravings are combined together in a unique and personal style.
Since 2003 she has been working at the atelier of Giorgio Upiglio in Milan. In many occasions she has partipated in art expositions among Italy and Japan.
By looking at her works I can perceive the grace, and a precise linearity, but at the same time I can feel the power coming up to the surface from the strenght of the chosen colours. The latest exhibition performed is called “in the forest mystic happening” (Fall 2010), located in Rome at Associazione Culturale Atelier, via Panisperna 236, melts together elements of the origine of the artists and the tension of Western contemporary sensations.
In the picture you can see “Tree of feathers” (10×20) a composition made by feathers attached on a rice paper on a wood panel.

(I must thank Yukoh Tsukamoto that kindly allowed me to publish this brief portrait of her. I’m looking forward to interviewing her as soon as her work commitments make it possible).